Dhamma Calendar's teaching and proverbs Year 2017

First revision: Jan.17, 2017
Last revision: Jan.17, 2017
Year 2017
  • Unselfishness showers others with good fruits,
  • With ease one always gives freely,
  • Before long, the world is full of friends,
  • A world of flowing riches and suffused kindness.
  • Without selfishness, loving kindness emerges naturally,
  • Naturally considerate, applying Dhamma in all actions,
  • Without chance of killing, of stealing, or of sexually abusing,
  • Never deceiving and never getting drunk,
  • Without selfishness there's no self to grasp, 
  • That uproads the source of all afflictive emotions.
  • Incapable of greed, hatred, and delusion, mind - body.
  • Keeping clean, clear, and calm towards Nibbãna.