Title Thumbnail & Hero Image: In the Statue "Adiyogi Śiva," through the Indian philosophical system, Śiva is recognized as the creator of Yoga. This metal statue is 112 feet tall, representing the 112 zodiac signs of the human body destined for asceticism. This sculpture weighs 500 tons and was completed in 2017 in Tamil Nadu, South Bhārata. The statue was designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and built by the Isha Foundation, Source:, Access date: Aug.26, 2022.
Introduction 1: Śiva Mahāpurāṇa
First revision: Nov.05, 2023
Last change: May 25, 2024
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, Translated, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha
Aum Jagatpitre Namaha
(औं जगतपित्रे नमः -
Om, I worship the Father of the world and the universe
               In youth, the venomous snakes of sound and sight,
               Of taste and touch and smell,
               Fastened on my vitals and slew my discrimination.
              Alas! My heart, bereft of the thought of
              Swelled in arrogance and pride!
              Therefore, O
              O Mahādeva! O Shambho!
              Forgive me, I pray, my transgressions.

               In my old age, my senses have lost the power of proper judgment and action.
               My body is weak and senile from afflictions,
               But even now, my mind, instead of meditating on
               Runs after vain desire and hollow discussions.
               Therefore, O
iva! O Mahādeva! O Shambho!
               Forgive me, I pray, my transgressions.

               I bow to Him who bestows on the sages direct knowledge of ultimate Truth.
               I bow to the teacher of the three worlds,
               Dakshinamurthy (or Dakṣiṇāmūrti), the Lord Himself,

               Who dispels the misery of birth and death.
Ādi Śaṁkara

Śiva Naṭarāja from Cave No.14, Ellora Caves, Maharashtra, Bhārata, took a picture on July 20, 2023.


Lord Śiva, The Bhagavān, May 25, 2024.
The image was processed and enhanced with Adobe Firefly & Adobe Photoshop applications.