02. Sabha Parva - The Book of the Assembly Hall

Sabha Parva, source:, access date: July 23, 2022.
02. Sabha Parva - The Book of the Assembly Hall
First revision: Jul.23, 2022
Last change: Oct.19, 2022
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, Translated, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

Sometime later, Yudhiṣṭhira performs the magnificent imperial ritual of the royal consecration. Duryodhana, enraged with jealousy, determines to ruin him and his brothers. With the help of his mother’s brother Śakuni, he engages Yudhiṣṭhira in a rigged dicing game in which he is systematically cheated out of all his wealth and, finally, his own liberty and that of his brothers and Draupadī. However, Dhṛtarāṣṭra restores to them everything they have lost. At this, Duryodhana demands a second match, to consist of a single throw for a single stake: the losers will have to live in exile in the forest for twelve years and then pass the thirteenth year incognito, with the penalty of a further twelve years in the forest if they are recognized. Yudhiṣṭhira duly loses, and the five brothers and Draupadī set off for the forest.

Sage Nārada, source:, access date: Sep.06, 2022.

Lord Kṛṣṇa kills Śiśupāla, source:, access date: Sep.06, 2022.

Shakuni or Śakuni, King of Gandhara, source: Facebook; MAD Literature page, access date: Sep.08, 2022.

Duḥśāsana drags Draupadī to court, Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, "The Ordeal of Queen Draupadi" January 1, 1913, source:, access date: Sep.25, 2022.


Lord Viṣṇu Standing on Garuḍa (गरुड), source: Facebook page: ASEAN Society & Culture, access date: Sep.20, 2022.

01. from. "The Illustrated Mahabharata: A Definitive Guide to India's Greatest Epic," ISBN: 978-0-2412-6434-8, Penguin Random House, 2017, Printed and bound in China,
02from. "The Mahābhārata," An abridged translation by JOHN D. SMITH, ISBN: 978-0-140-44681-4, PENGUIN BOOKS, 2009, Printed in the United States of America,
03. from. "The Mahabharata: Complete 18 volume," Veda Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli, tr. [1883-1896], Publishing in 2021 by Sanzani Publishing.