A01. Introduction - Mahabharata

The Mahabharata War, source:, access date: July 22, 2022.
A01. Introduction01,02,03.
First revision: Jul.22, 2022
Last change: Dec.18, 2022
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

The Structure of the Mahabharata
       Part of the epic tradition of poetry, the Mahabharata is a lengthy narrative poem constructed around the saga of a bitter quarrel between cousins over inheritance rights to a kingdom. It is the longest-written poem, comprising over 90,000 shlokas or verses. In India, the epic enjoys a cultural space that bridges folk, popular, classical art, and literature.

Krishna Dwaipayana or Vyasa, source:, access date: Dec.18, 2022.

       The Mahabharata was written over 1,000 years by multiple authors, although the original text is attributed to Sage Krishna Dwaipayana, also known as Veda Vyasa. The epic is composed as a narration by Vyasa's disciple Vaishampayana to King Janamejaya, but other narrations sit within this overarching one. This complicated nesting of narratives probably reflects the existence of different historical versions of this epic. Jaya, the original story, had 8,800 shlokas, or verses. When it came to be known as Bharata, the tale had expanded to 24,000 shlokas. By the time it had taken its present form as the Mahabharata, the entire telling had comprised more than 90,000 shlokas. These were composed of 18 different metres. The most frequently used is the Anustubh metre, with four verses of eight syllables. Several shlokas form an adhyaya or chapter, and in turn, several chapters together make up a Parva. Depending on the version, Mahabharata is arranged into 100 or 18 parvas. This book adopts the 18-Parva classification, redistributing the parvas in the 100-Parva classification as sub-parvas.
 1    ADI PARVA: THE BOOK OF THE BEGINNING    The sub-parvas: Anukramanika; Parvasamgraha; Poushya; Pouloma; Astika; Adi-vamshavatarana; Sambhava; Jatugriha-daha; Hidimba-badha; Baka-vadha; Chaitraratha; Draupadi-svayamvara; Vaivahika; Viduragamana; Rajya-labha; Arjuna-vanavasa; Subhadra-harana; Harana harika; and Khandava-daha.
 2    SABHA PARVA: THE BOOK OF THE ASSEMBLY HALL    The sub-parvas: Sabha; Mantra; Jarasandha-vadha; Digvijaya; Rajasuya; Arghabhiharana; Shishupala-vadha; Dyuta; and Anudyuta.
 3    VANA PARVA: THE BOOK OF THE FOREST    The sub-parvas: Aranyaka; Kirmira-vadha; Kairata; Indralokabhigamana; Tirtha-yatra; Jatasura-vadha; Yaksha-yuddha; Ajagar; Markandeya-samasya; Draupadi-Satyabhama-sambada; Ghosha-yatra; Mriga-svapna-bhaya; Vrihi-drounika; Draupadi-harana; Kundala-harana; and Araeya.
 4    VIRATA PARVA: THE BOOK OF VIRATA    The sub-parvas: Vairata; Kichaka-vadha; Go-grahana; and Vaivahika.
 5    UDYOGA PARVA: THE BOOK OF EFFORT    The sub-parvas: Udyoga; Sanjaya-yana; Prajagara; Sanatsujata; Yana-sandhi; Bhagavat-yana; Karna-upanivada; Abhiniryana; Bhisma-abhishechana; Uluka-yana; Ratha-atiratha-samkhya; and Amba-upakhyana.
 6    BHISHMA PARVA: THE BOOK OF BHISHMA    The sub-parvas: Jambukhanda-vinirmana; Bhumi; Bhagavad Gītā; and Bhishma-vadha.
 7    DRONA PARVA: THE BOOK OF DRONA    The sub-parvas: Dronabhisheka; Samshaptaka-vadha; Abhimanyu-vadha; Pratijna: Jayadratha-vadha; Ghatotkacha-vadha; Drona-vadha; and Narayanastra-moksha
 8    KARNA PARVA: THE BOOK OF KARNA    The sub-parva: Karna-vadha.
 9    SHALYA PARVA: THE BOOK OF SHALYA    The sub-parvas: Shalya-vadha; Hrada pravesha; Tirtha yatra; and Gada yuddha.
 10    SAUPTIKA PARVA: THE BOOK OF SLUMBER    The sub-parvas: Souptika; and Aishika
 11    STREE OR STRI  PARVA: THE BOOK OF WOMEN    The sub-parvas: Vishoka; Stree; Shraddha; and Jala-pradanika.
 12    SHANTI PARVA: THE BOOK OF PEACE    The sub-parvas: Raja-dharma; Apad-dharma; and Moksha-dharma.
 13    ANUSHASANA PARVA: THE BOOK OF DISCIPLINE    The sub-parvas: Dana-dharma; and Bhisma-swargarohana.
 14    ASHWAMEDHIKA PARVA: THE BOOK OF CONQUEST    The sub-parva: Ashwamedhika.
 15    ASHRAMAVASIKA PARVA: THE BOOK OF HERMITAGE    The sub-parvas: Ashrama-vasa; Putra Darshana; and Naradagamana.
 16    MOUSALA PARVA: THE BOOK OF THE MACE    The sub-parva: Mousala.
 17    MAHAPRASTHANIKA PARVA: THE BOOK OF RENUNCIATION    The sub-parva: Maha-prasthanika.
 18    SWARGAROHANA PARVA: THE BOOK OF THE ASCENT    The sub-parva: Swargarohana.
     HARIVAMSHA: THE BOOK OF KRISHNA    The sub-parvas: Harivamsha; Vishnu; and Bhavishya.

01. from. "The Illustrated Mahabharata: A Definitive Guide to India's Greatest Epic," ISBN: 978-0-2412-6434-8, Penguin Random House, 2017, Printed and bound in China,
02from. "The Mahābhārata," An abridged translation by JOHN D. SMITH, ISBN: 978-0-140-44681-4, PENGUIN BOOKS, 2009, Printed in the United States of America,
03. from. "The Mahabharata: Complete 18 volume," Veda Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli, tr. [1883-1896], Publishing in 2021 by Sanzani Publishing.