Bharata Miscellaneous

Bhārata Miscellaneous
First revision: Jul.27, 2023
Last change: Sep.6, 2024
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, Translated, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

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The 16 Mahājanapadas of Bhāratavarṣa

Image shows: The 16 Mahājanapadas of Bhāratavarṣa (
भारतवर्ष), 1500-600 BC., source:, accessed date: Jan.22, 2021.

            1) Kāmboja (काम्बोज) - The capital city is Puṣkalāvatī or called Pushkalavati or called Pooncha (पुष्कलावती). Some say that Rajapura is now in Pakistan, in the northwest of Bhārata.
            2) Kāśī (काशी) - The capital city is Vārāṇas (वाराणसी - called Benares now)
            3) Kuru (कुरु) - The capital city is Indraprastha (इन्द्रप्रस्थ)
            4) Kosala (कोसल) - The capital city is Sāvatthī (Bali) or Śrāvastī (श्रावस्ती ) - Sanskrit.
            5) Gandhāra (गन्धार) - The capital city is Takṣaśilā (तक्षशिला)
            6) Cedī or Chedi or Cetiya (चेदी) - The capital city is Śuktimatī (शुक्तिमती)
            7) Pañcāla - Panchala (पञ्चाल) - The capital city is Kampila or Kampil (कम्पिल)
            8) Magadha (मगध) - The capital city is Rājagṛha (राजगृह).
            9) Matsya or Machcha or Macchā (मत्स्य) - The capital city is Virāṭanagara (विराटनगर).
           10) Malla or Malava (मल्ला) - The capital city is Kusāvatī (कुसावती) - Later it was divided into Kusinārā (कुसिनारा) and Pāvā (पाव).
           11) Vatsa or Vaṃsa (वंश) - The capital city is Kosambī (कोसम्बी)
           12) Vajji or Vṛji (वृजि) - The capital city is Vesālī (वेसाली)
           13) Sūrasena (सूरसेन) - The capital city is Mathurā (मथुरा)
           14) Avanti (अवन्ति) - The capital city is Ujjayinī or Ujjain (उज्जयिनी)
           15) Aṅga (अङ्ग) - The capital city is Caṃpā or Champa (चंपा) and
           16) Assaka or Aśmaka (अश्मक) - The capital city is Potali or Potana (पोतालि).