Title Thumbnail: Tai Phuan, Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province, source:, access date: August 11, 2021. Hero Image: Ho Dhammas (A pulpit in the form of an elaborately carved seat), Ban Maung Temple, Maung Sui, Xieng Khouang Province, Puan or Phuan craftsmanship, from the book of EFEO, publication year unknown. Cr. Photographer via Facebook page "Laos Isan art, culture, history for the Lao people," access date: August 11, 2021. 
004. Tai Phuan or Lao Phuan
First revision: Aug.11, 2021
Last change: Aug.11, 2021
Searched, compiled, rearranged, and examined by Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

Origin, Terminology, and Description.
01. from.