153. Chao Ya Temple (Grand Mother Master Temple)

Title Thumbnail: Chao Ya Temple (East Bank of the road), Hero Image: Building: Sala Karn Prien (West Bank of the road), Taken picture at June 21, 2020.
153. Chao Ya Temple (Grand Mother Master Temple)
First revision: Jun.23, 2020
Last change: Jun.23, 2020
Searched, gathered, and rearranged by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

     Wat Chao Ya (Chao Ya Temple) is located on the bank of Sra Bao ("sra boa" means "a water lily pond"). At present, this monastery is divided into two parts by road. The plan of this monastery consists of the principal bell-shaped stupa, the shrine at the front and the two-storey buildings in western style at the back.
     In the Ayudhya chornicle thereis no mention about the time period in which Chao Ya Temple was built. However, according to archaeological evidence, this temple might have been built in the early Ayudhya period, and abandoned after the invasion by the Burmese army in 1767 A.D.01.  

Sourecs, Vocabulary, and Narratives.
01. from: Board Sight at Chao Ya Temple, accessed date: June 21, 2020.