007. Tra Kuan Temple - Sukhothai

Thumbnail & Hero Images were the pictures that token at Nov.17, 2019
007. Tra Kuan Temple - Sukhothai
First revision: Nov.10, 2019
Last change: Nov.29, 2019

     This temple has been known as Wat Tra Kuan since 1907 A.D. Its name was mentioned in the stone inscription of Wat Sorasak in the early of the 15th century A.D. It is said that Venerable Mahāthera Dharmatrailok from Dao Khon came to see his nephew, a ruler of Sukhothai, and resided at Wat Tra Kuan during his visit.
     Based on a theory of King Rama VI of the Rattanakosin period, Tra Kuan is a Khmer phrase, which means a vegetable known in Thai as Phak Bung, or morning glory, in English.
    Important buildings in this temple include a bell-shape chedi and an ordination hall (Ubosatha), surrounded by a moat. Buddha images of the early Sukhothai period in Wat Tra Kuan style were also found here.01

Sources, Vocabulary, & narratives
01. from. Sign Board in front of Tra Kuan Temple, Sukhothai Historial Park, accessed date: Nov.17, 2019.