Title Thumbnail & Hero Image: OKRs Fieldwork Banner, generated at Jun.7, 2024
OKRs: Field Works 1
First revision: Jun.7, 2024
Last change: Jul.4, 2024
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha
  • The block shown how to be an effective OKRs coach - everything form how best to design an OKRs coaching engagement to how to facilitate coaching sessions at each step of the OKRs cycle.
  • The clients always ask for the answers to the deeper questions (10 example questions):
    1. How can we scale OKRs across a large organization with hundreds of departments?
    2. How can we set team-level OKRs to ensure cross-functional alignment rather than simply using the org chart to define the teams that will set OKRs?
    3. How can infrastructure teams such as legal, human resources, and finance benefit from OKRs?
    4. How do we integrate OKRs into our performance management system?
    5. How do OKRs compare with KPIs?
    6. When do OKRs not add value?
    7. How do we ensure that OKRs reflect team thinking rather than orders from the boss?
    8. How do we avoid OKRs that look like a "to-do-list"?
    9. What if some employees do not see how they contribute to company-level OKRs?
    10. How do I facilitate an executive workshop to draft top-level OKRs?
  • The 10 universal parameters to confirm with every clients:
    1. At what level will we set OKRs - company, team, individual?
    2. How many OKRs will we set? How will we balance internal and external objectives?
    3. How will we score OKRs? How will we update progress?
    4. How long is an OKRs cycle?
    5. What are the three types of key results? Are milestones appropriate?
    6. Where will we draft, publish, and track OKRs?
    7. How will OKRs relate to performance reviews?
    8. How are OKRs different from KPIs?
    9. How will we ensure that OKRs are aligned?
    10. How will we ensure most OKRs originate "bottom-up"?
  • The three steps in an OKRs cycle:
    • Step 1: Set and align OKRs.
    • Step 2: Check in and monitor progress.
    • Step 3: Reflect and reset.
  • Jeffrey L. Walker, the founder of Oracle (He used OKRs at Oracle) taught and show the concept of "How to communicate more effectively by emphasizing the desired result rather than listing out all the projects and tasks that are on my to-do list".
  • The fantastic set of questions for such managers:
    • Why does our team exist?
    • What is the most important objective for our team to focus on this quarter?
    • How will we know we've achieved the objective?
  • Trends OKRs coaches should know:...The Six developing trends that we sould know before we get into the nuts and bolts of OKRs coaching:
    1. Organizations are postponing discussions of setting OKRs at the individual-person level.
    2. Organizations are allowing more time to deploy OKRs and embracing a crawl-walk-run approach.
    3. The definition of OKRs as a "critical thinking framework" is resonating even with organizations that do not formally adopt OKRs as their goal-setting model.
    4. The number of OKRs that an organization defines is trending down.
    5. "Objective descriptions" are replaced with "Why now?"
    6. OKRs cycles are shifting to four months.[page 9]

01. from. The OKRs Field Book, A Step-by-step Guide for Objectives and Key Results Coaches, by Ben Lamorte , ISBN 9781119816430 (epub), Wiley Publishing, 2022, Published in US. and simultaneously in Canada.