OKRs: Objectives and Key Results I

OKRs: Objectives and Key Results I
First revision: Dec.30, 2020
Last change: Dec.30, 2020

  • What are OKRs?
    • OKR is a goal management system used by teams, large, and small, to collaborate and achieve stretch goals through a framework that requires regular check-ins, feedback, continuous learning, collaboration, and problem-solving.
    • OKRs are simple yet powerful as they are useful for startups and large corporations to execute their strategy with focus and alignment.
    • Objectives (the O in OKR) are qualitative and inspirational, time-bound (typically in a quarter) goals to be executed by a team (say, Recruitment) or an individual.
  • OKRs – The Bridge between Strategy and Achievement of Goals: “Building a visionary company requires one percent vision and 99 percent alignment”. Jim Collins Built to Last.
  • OKRs help teams and companies execute their strategic goals using a well-defined operational framework. OKRs are actively used by the technology titans revolutionizing our 21st-century world – Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter, and Spotify, as well as countless start-ups and innovative companies.
  • “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” – Sir Winston Churchill