1. Introduction to Greek and Roman Gods

Hero image above from, Access date: Sep.06, 2016
1. Introduction to Greek and Roman Gods01.
First Revision: Sep.06, 2016
Last Change: Dec.01, 2022

Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, and Compiled by Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

      Many different sages have written many versions of Greek and Roman gods' history, beginnings, and transformations. several eras in order; therefore, the reader may receive information that is more or less different from what I will discuss next. However, I am not confirming that the following story is accurate and complete. Explain as much as possible in the time frame, strength, and intelligence I have, along with showing the source of information used for reference, for the benefit of those who are interested in studying the story of the "Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology" in its entirety in the future.

       Much of the story appears in the thesis of the great philosopher "Homer"02 and "Hesiod"03 around B.C.700. Academics have studied in detail and found that Depiction of the attributes of such gods influenced by the gods of civilization "Mesopotamia" which is older than most of the Greeks.
Homer and Hesiod.

1. Genesis: Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology
  • In the first of the universe, there is only emptiness, A lot of nothing. The first god came from the misty mist. In which the matter of the entire universe floats around is a deity name "Chaos." Some matter freezes up to form our world.
  • and has developed into a person who has a soul. She calls herself "Gaia." Goddess of the Earth, the Earth Mother. Gaia, this is our whole world: rocks, hills, valleys; she loves walking around the world. She walked (or walked on herself) in the form of a middle-aged woman wearing a long green skirt, has black wavy hair, and a calm smile on her face. That smile said "hidden evil intentions," which will be discussed further. 

Sources, Vocabularies, & Narratives:
01. from. Percy Jackson's GREEK GODS, written by Rick Riordan, ISBN 978-1-4847-8980-3, 2016, print in China,, www.