1. Introduction to Greek and Roman Gods

Hero Image above from, access date: Sep.06, 2016

1. Introduction to Greek and Roman Gods
First revision: Sep.6, 2016
Last change: Feb.14, 2025

Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, Translated, and Compiled by Apirak Kanchanakongkha.
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      Many different sages have written many versions of Greek and Roman gods' history, beginnings, and transformations. Several eras are in order; therefore, the reader may receive information that is more or less different from what I will discuss next. However, I am not confirming that the following story is accurate and complete. Explain as much as possible in the time frame, strength, and intelligence I have, along with showing the source of information used for reference, for the benefit of those who are interested in studying the story of the "Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology" in its entirety in the future.

       Much of the story appears in the thesis of the great philosophers "Homer"02 and "Hesiod"03 around B.C.700. Academics have studied in detail and found that Depiction of the attributes of such gods influenced by the gods of civilization "Mesopotamia" which is older than most of the Greeks.
Homer and Hesiod.
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1. Genesis: Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology
  • In the beginning of the universe, there was only emptiness—a lot of nothing. The first god came from the misty mist, in which the matter of the entire universe floats around. The deity is Chaos01. Some matter freezes up to form our world.
  • and has developed into a person with a soul. She calls herself "Gaia," Goddess of the Earth, the Earth Mother.
  • Gaia, this is our whole world: rocks, hills, valleys; she loves walking around the world. She walked (or walked on herself) in the form of a middle-aged woman wearing a long green skirt, black wavy hair, and a calm smile. That smile said "hidden evil intentions," which will be discussed further.
  • Gaia felt lonely and saw nothing but emptiness. There should be a sky and a handsome man she could fall in love with. Perhaps because Chaos cooperated (or maybe not), Gaia focused her mind on it herself, and a sky appeared above the earth, a protective dome that was blue during the day and black at night.
Ouranos or Uranus
  • The sky named itself "Ouranos." He is the sky lord with a moody personality. He is tall and muscular, with long dark hair on his flesh and blood body. He wears only a loincloth. His skin color changes occasionally, sometimes blue with clouds floating over his muscles, sometimes black with stars shining through.
  • Sometimes, Ouranos holds a zodiac wheel in paintings, representing the constellations that repeatedly move across the sky.
  • And so Ouranos and Gaia were married.
  • Then Chaos got into the fun again. Drops of water condensed from Chaos's mists flowed into the depths of the earth, where the first seas became alive, becoming a god named Pontus.

01. Chaos means Gap. Chaos is a vast, boundless emptiness. Chaos is the god of destruction.

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  • Chaos continued to have fun, thinking, "How about another dome like the sky, but under the earth?!! It would be cool." Then, another dome appeared under the earth. It was dark, sticky, and not a good place to live because the light from the sky never reached there. And this is "Tartarus," the pit of all evil.

  • The next problem is that Pontus and Tartarus are in love with Gaia, which puts much pressure on her relationship with Ouranos.
  • Later, many gods appeared. The most important one was that Chaos and Tartarus had children together. It is still confusing how they had children together. It was "Nyx"01. (Greek goddess of the night).
  • Nyx, all by herself, somehow gave birth to a daughter named "Hemera"02.
Nyx and Hemera
  • Hemera has a personality that doesn't get along with Nyx, which we can all guess.
  • Some legends say Chaos created Eros03, the god of procreation. Others say Eros was the son of Aphrodite04.
Eros and Aphrodite
  • Gaia and Ouranos began to have children together, with mixed results. First, they gave birth to twelve, six females and six males, called the "Titans." These children looked like humans but were taller and more powerful.
01. Nyx is the Greek goddess of the night. Some myths say that the chaotic emptiness of space, the sedimentation, first created the "black hole Erebus," the origin of Nyx.
02. Hemera is Day.
03. Eros, if it wer a Roman god, it would be "Cupid".
04. Aphrodite was called "Venus" by the Romans.

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   The Titan  Titan name, Gender/Image  Details
 Oceanus or Okeanos, male, the eldest of twelve brothers.
From Trevi Fountain, Rome
 He was a Titan of the sea and all waters. He liked to stay with the first god of water, Pontus, in the deep sea. His weapon was a trident. His wife was Tethys (his younger sister). He had two children: 1) Okeanides and 2) Potamoi.
 Coeus or Koios - Masculine.
 He was the god of the North Pole, the Titan of distance, far-sight, resolution, and intelligence. He was later married to Phoebe's sister. Koios is the root of the word "query, questioning." He was the father of Lelantos, Leto, and Asteria.
   03  Crius or Kreios or Krios - Masculine

Crius, developed by Jan.31, 2025.
 He was a Titan of the South, known in the zodiac as "The Ram." He was the god of the constellations, the spring season from the south, and the beginning of the year in the Greek calendar. His son was Astraios or Astraeus, the god of the stars. His wife was Eurybia, the daughter of the sea. He lived in Tartarus.
  04  Hyperion, Masculine
 He was a Titan of the East, a Titan of light, fire, the sun, the moon, and the dawn. His symbol was the sun (The Sun); his weapons were fire and light. His wife was Theia (also his sister), and he had three children: 1) Helios, 2) Eos, and 3) Selene.
  05  Iapetus or Japetus, the piece, Masculine
 He was a Titan of the West, the Titan of Mortality, Pain, and Violent Death. His symbol was the Spear. He was married to Klymene-Asie and had five children: 1) Atlas (male), 2) Prometheus (male), 3) Epimetheus (male), 4) Menoitios (male), and 5) Ankhiale (female).
  06  Theia, Female
Theia: First Lady of Eyesight, source:, access date: Jan.31, 2025
 She was a Titaness (or Titan Goddess) of Light and Vision, wife of Hyperion, mother of the sun, moon, and dawn, and had three children: 1) Helios, 2) Eos, and 3) Selene.
  07  Rhea, Female
 Titan goddess of Marriage, earth, fertility, generation, motherhood, and comfort. Rhea was married to Chronos (brother), Cybele, or Ops (Roman name). Rhea had six children with Chronos: 1) Hestia (female), 2) Poseidon (male), 3) Demeter (male), 4) Hera (female), 5) Hades (male), and 6) Zeus (male).
  08  Themis, female
 The Titaness of Titan Goddess of justice, law, and order, Themis was the second wife of Zeus (King of Olympus). She would sit next to Zeus' throne to advise him. She had two children with Zeus: 1) The Moirai and 2) the Horae.
  09  Mnemosyne, female
 She is a Titan of memory and remembrance (Goddess of memory and remembrance) and sometimes a goddess of words and language (Goddess of words and language) she created. She fathered nine children (in a group called The Mousai or The Muses) with Zeus. Zeus slept with her for nine nights, resulting in her having nine children. Her children are Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomeme, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Ourania, and Kalliope.
  10  Phoebe or Phoibe, female
 She was a Titan of "Bright" intellect. She married Coeus (or Koios) and had three children: 1) Leto, 2) Asteria, and 3) Lelantos. Phoebe is rarely mentioned in Greek mythology. Some say she was punished in Tartarus, while others say she was a peaceful and free Titan who lived on Mount Olympus.
  11  Tethys, female
 She was the wife and sister of Oceanus (Oceanus or Okeanos). Together, they created over three thousand rivers and seas and had two children, the Oceanids and Potamoi.
  12  Cronos or Cronus, male
 Cronus was the king of the Titans and the father of the first Olympian gods: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. He was also the Titan lord of the universe and ruled during the "Golden Age." He was the Titan of time, the harvest, fate, justice, and evil. The Romans called him Saturn, and he had Rhea as his wife.
  13  Dione, female (later added as the 13th Titan goddess)
 Dione is derived from the Latin Diana, meaning "goddess of the bright sky." She was a female Titan, of whom there are many different accounts. Some say she was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys; others say she was the daughter of Gaia and Ouranos. She was the Greek goddess of love and was sometimes said to be Aphrodite, and some say she was the mother of Aphrodite.
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  • Gaia and Ouranos began to drift apart and quarrel. Ouranos would shout at his children, calling him an incompetent father.
  • Later, Gaia and Ouranos reconciled and gave birth to triplets, who were hideous and terrifying. They were large and powerful like Titans, clumsy, more rugged, and covered in hair. Each of them had a single eye in the middle of their forehead. Gaia named the triplets "The Elder Kyklopes (Cyclopes)." Eventually, they gave birth to the later Cyclopes.
  • Uranus grabbed the three Cyclops tightly and threw them into Tartarus, causing his twelve Titan children to fear him greatly.
Cyclopes No.  Name  Image & Details
1  Brontes
2 Steropes
3 Arges or Acmonides or Pyeaemon
  • Later, despite Gaia and Ouranos' quarrel, they reconciled. Gaia gave birth to another set of triplets, more hideous than the Cyclops, because each had a hundred arms clustered together on its chest, like the spines of a sea urchin, and fifty small heads on its shoulders. Gaia called these triplets "the Hundred-handed ones {Hecatonchires (Hundred-handed-ones))."
  • Uranus then chained them up and threw them into Tartarus like a recycling bin.
  • Later, the Hundred Hands became guards at the entrance to Tartarus.
 The Hundred Hand Name  Image and details
01. The image and the name of the Hundred-Handed Ones {Hecatonchires (Hundred-handed-ones)} do not match because, from the search, the image only gives a general name, not specifying which Hundred-Handed Ones it is, but it is shown as a guideline.
  • Gaia was very angry with Ouranos for what he had done to her triplets. She raised her fist and caused the earth to tremble. She summoned the hardest substance in the world (Adamant) into a curved iron blade about three feet long. She joined a small branch to make a handle - she said it was an instrument of vengeance, it was a "Scythe" - (An adamant Scythe)
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  • Back to the first Titan. Cronos, who was about nine feet tall, a sly "schemer" who often got dirty when wrestling, liked to be where you would never expect him to be. He had his mother's smile and dark, wavy hair. His cruelty came from his father, with a fearsome beard, a tuft of hair poking down from his chin. He hated being ignored and was tired of being the youngest and wearing his older siblings' old shirts.
  • And so the evil plot was hatched. Gaia invited Ouranos to a feast in the valley. The five Titan sons conspired to assassinate him, with Coeus, Iapetus, Crius, and Hyperion holding him captive, while Cronos killed him with a scythe.
  • Some books say that due to Gaia's evil plan, Cronus had to wait until Uranus came to have sex with Gaia. When Uranus came, Cronus, who was still in her womb, would use a knife to cut off Uranus's genitals and then escape with his siblings. When the plan was successful and he came out, Cronus would take his father's genitals and throw them into the sea. When it fell into the sea, a lot of bubbles would form. Among those bubbles, a goddess named Aphrodite would be born (in Greek, the word Aphrodite means born from bubbles). For this reason, Aphrodite is the goddess of love and lust (the origin of the English phrase aphrodisiac, which means sexual stimulant).
  • Before Uranus died, he cursed Kronos so his children would rebel against and betray him.
  • Uranus's blood was splattered in many places. It was a golden color called "Ichor."
  • Three groups of demons were born when the Ichor was thrown to stain the stone and become living beings. The first group was the "Furies or Erinyes." The second group was the "Giants." 01 The third group was the "Meliae" or Nymphs.
The first image on the left is of two Furies, found in a 19th-century book and copied from an ancient vase. The second image on the right is of Poseidon holding a trident and carrying the island of Nisyros (a small island in the Aegean Sea) on his shoulders, doing battle with the Giants, shown in an ancient red cup, 500-450 BC, at the Musée des Medailles, Paris, France.

01. The Giants, also called Gigantes, were reckless and large giants who later fought against the Olympian gods.
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  • Furies are the spirits of punishment. They fly away to the dark part of Tartarus.
  • Other Ichors of the sky gods were scattered on the fertile earth, as were the gentle creatures of nature, including Nymphs and Satyrs01.

Satyr with broad forehead, beard, and ponytail, using genitals to lift a glass of wine (found in ancient Greek pots, 500-490 BC)
01. From., access date 9 Nov 2016, "A Satyr in Greek mythology is a young human, often with horse ears, small goat horns, and goat legs. They often wander in forests and mountains. Some texts say they are guardians and are also followers of Pan and Dionysus. In mythology, Satyrs are associated with male sexual power, and in Greek-Roman art, satyrs are often depicted with erect genitals.

01. from. Percy Jackson's GREEK GODS, written by Rick Riordan, ISBN 978-1-4847-8980-3, 2016, print in China,, www.
02. from. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods Heroes, written by Edith Hamilton, ISBN: 978-0-316-43852-0, 2017, print in China, BLACK DOG & LEVENTHAL PUBISHERS,