B. R. Ambedkar, Ph.D.

First revision: Aug.07, 2021
Last change: Aug.09, 2021

Searched, compiled, rearrange, and examined by Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

From Sutra caste to Buddhism
       Dr.Ambedkar or Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. (on this website would like to call him "Dr.Ambedkar").
       Dr.Ambedkar was born from a humble society, fighting for himself, society, and the nation as a whole, from birth to the last moment of life.
       Now, he is gone, leaving only good things for future generations to remember and praise.
      Buddhists in India believe that Dr. Ambedkar's spirit has not gone anywhere, will remain with them, help them.
       Because Dr.Ambedkar never leaves the poor, never forget difficult people, helps them all the time.
       Therefore, the suffix from the Sangharatana chant Buddhists in India claims Dr.Ambedkar is also a refuge (Sarana) by chanting "Pimpang Saranam Kajchami" (Pimpang was the former name of Dr.Ambedkar).
High respect Dr.Pimpang Ambedkar.
       Buddhism was born and used to be great in the Indian subcontinent. But later returned to disappear from the Motherland almost completely until the year B.E.2499 (A.D.1956).

       There were about 500,000 people of low caste who declared themselves to revere Buddhism with the leadership of Dr.Ambedkar (Dr. Babasahed Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar), so Buddhists have emerged in India again called the New Buddhist group, which has the most in Nagpur. (Some call it Nakapura-Nagpur  The capital city of Maharashtra), central India.

       After that there were low caste Indians, have turned to worship Buddhism continuously and proclaimed themselves as Buddhists in many cities such as Nagpur, Gaya, and Delhi.

Dr.Ambedkar, The one who awakens the conscience of Hindu society2.
       As said b His Excellency the First Prime Minister of India and statesman of India "Sri Bundit Jawaharlal Nehru" to Dr.Ambedkar as follows:

       "The honor of Dr.Ambedkar must be remembered for as long as. As a symbol of battle to overthrow the injustices in Hindu society. Dr.Ambedkar fights what everyone deems the need to fight. Dr.Ambedkar is the one who awakens the conscience of Hindu society from its slumber."

       Highest Duties Position: India's First Minister of Justice
       Awards: Highly honored for awards. Bharat Ratna, the highest honor for a civilian who has dedicated himself to the nation.  

Origin, terminology, and description:
01.  from. and; access date June 9, 2012.