3. The Five Precepts - Buddhist's Handbook (Some Special Chants)

3. The Five Precepts - Buddhist's Handbook (Some Special Chants)
First revision: Nov.04, 2012
Last change: Nov.08, 2021

                                              Man can be killed but not defeated.
                                                                                                                 Ernest Hemingway
3. PAÑCAS?LA (The Five Precepts)
                                                     ~D.III, 235; A.III, 203, 275; Vbh.285
1  Pânâtipâtâ veraman? sikkhâpadam samâdiyâmi.  I undertake the precept to abstain from destroying living creatures.
2  Adinnâdânâ veraman? sikkhâpadam samâdiyâmi.  I undertake the precept to abstain from taking what is not given.
3  Kâmesu micchâcârâ veraman? sikkhâpadam samâdiyâmi.  I undertake the precept to abtain from wrong conduct in sexual pleasures.
4  Musâvâdâ veraman? sikkhâpadam samâdiyâmi.  I undertake the precept to abtain from false speech.
5  Surâmerayamajjapamâdattânâ veraman? sikkhâpadam samâdiyâmi.  I under take the precept to abstain from distilled and fermented intoxicants which are the occasion for carelessness.