18. Swargarohana Parva - The Book of Ascent

Sri Krishna and Pandavas, source:, access date: Sep.25, 2022.
18. Swargarohana Parva - The Book of Ascent01,02,03.
First revision: Sep.25, 2022
Last change: Dec.16, 2022
Searched, Gathered, Rearranged, and Compiled by
Apirak Kanchanakongkha.

       Here he discovers Duryodhana living in majesty while his brothers and kin languish in a grim hell; he resolves that he will remain in hell with them. At this, all signs of suffering vanish, and Yudhiṣṭhira learns that he has passed the final test. All the Pāṇḍavas and their allies are now revealed in their rightful places in heaven.

Sources, Vocabularies, and Narratives:
01. from. "The Illustrated Mahabharata: A Definitive Guide to India's Greatest Epic," ISBN: 978-0-2412-6434-8, Penguin Random House, 2017, Printed and bound in China,
02. from. "The Mahābhārata," An abridged translation by JOHN D. SMITH, ISBN: 978-0-140-44681-4, PENGUIN BOOKS, 2009, Printed in the United States of America,
03. from. "The Mahabharata: Complete 18 volume," Veda Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli, tr. [1883-1896], Publishing in 2021 by Sanzani Publishing.